Virginia, CSS

Confederate ironclad built from the scuttled USS Merrimack. Fought USS Monitor in the first conflict between ironclads at the Battle of Hampton Roads.

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Friedrich Wilhelm Zu Pferde

Friedrich Wilhelm Zu Pferde belonged to the Brandenburg fleet of the “der Große Kurfürst” (the Great Elector), Frederick William. She was completed in 1864. Of typical Dutch construction, she had two decks with 54 cannons and a crew of 200-250 men.

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Confederacy, USS

The first frigate built for the Continental navy. In 1781, USS Confederacy was captured by the British and subsequently served the British as HMS Confederate.

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Eagle, USS (brig)

A ship in the United States Navy on Lake Champlain in the War of 1812. The British captured her in 1813, only to lose her back to the Americans at the Battle of Lake Champlain in 1814.

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Essex, USS

United State Frigate active in the conflict with Barbary States and the War of 1812

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Surprise, HMS

A 1970 replica of the 1757, 20-gun, 6th-post ship HMS Rose. Later converted to a period-accurate 28-gun ship to play the part of the fictional HMS Surpsise in the movie Master and Commander. Now part of the Maritime Museum of San Diego.

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Californian was built in San Diego, launched in 1984, as a replica of the United States Revenue Cutter ‘Lawrence’, which operated off the coast of California in the 1850s. Part of the Maritime Museum of San Diego

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