Reference Titles – Detailed Listing

331 books and other references

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Spars and Rigging from Nautical Routine, 1849

W. N. Jeffers—John McLeod Murphy

Reference | Rigging

Recorded Editions:

Splendor Sailed the Sound

George H. Foster—Peter C. Weiglin

History (Ships)

Recorded Editions:

Spritsail Barges of the Thames and Medway

Edgar J. March

History (Ships)

Recorded Editions:

Spritsail Skiff, The

Steve Rogers—Patricia Staby-Rogers

Instructional | Ship Modelling | Monograph

Recorded Editions:

SS United States

James K. Rindfleisch—F. Samuel Bauer—Stanton R. Daywalt

Subject Study | Monograph

Recorded Editions:

Steam Coasters and Short Sea Traders

Charles V. Waine Ph.D.

Subject Study | Compendium

Recorded Editions:

Steam Launch, The

Richard M. Mitchell

Subject Study

Recorded Editions:

Steam Packets on the Chesapeake

Alexander Crosby Brown

History (Ships)

Recorded Editions:

Steam Tugs

David L. Williams

Subject Study | Compendium

Recorded Editions:

Steam-Engine Design

Instructional | Engineering

Recorded Editions:

Steamers, Schooners, Cutters, and Sloops

W. H. Bunting—N. L. Stebbins

Art | Photography

Recorded Editions:

Stephen Biesty’s Cross-Sections Man-Of-War

Stephen Biesty

Stephen Biesty (Illustrator), Richard Platt (Author)

Art | Drawing

Recorded Editions:

Styrene Modeling

Instructional | Ship Modelling | Plastic / Resin

Recorded Editions:

Swords, Ships & Sugar

Vincent K. Hubbard

History (Ships) | Colonial

Recorded Editions:

Tales from the Old Inland Waterways

Euan Corrie

Subject Study | Compendium

Recorded Editions:

Tales of Land and Sea

Joseph Conrad

William McFee (Forward), Richard M. Powers (Illustrator)


Recorded Editions:

Tancook Schooners, The

Wayne M. O'Leary

History (Ships) | Subject Study | Compendium

Recorded Editions:

Techniques of Ship Modelling, The

Gerald A. Wingrove

Lord Montagu of Beaulieu (Forward)

Instructional | Ship Modelling

Recorded Editions:

Thirty Years of the American Neptune

Ernest S. Dodge (Editor)


Recorded Editions:

Three Decks

Cy Harrison (Executive Editor)

History (Ships) | Military

Recorded Editions:


Jack A. Somer

Subject Study | Monograph

Recorded Editions:

Tidewater Triumph

Geoffrey M. Footner

Subject Study | Compendium

Recorded Editions:


Bill Allen (Editor)

Subject Study | Monograph

Recorded Editions:

To Build A Ship

Robert Garvey

Subject Study | Monograph

Recorded Editions:

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