This is an alphabetical listing of maritime museums and museum ships located around the world. Libraries with significant maritime holdings are also included. You can use the optional fields to filter by type and country, or use the geoloacted list or map. Please contact us if you would like a museum to be added to this list.

Adirondack Museum
Blue Mountain Lake, NY, United States
The museum is known for its large and varied collection of boats used to navigate the many lakes and rivers of the Adirondack region.

Ålands Sjöfartsmuseum
(Åland Maritime Museum)
Mariehamn, Finland
Models are displayed on a uniform scale so differences can be easily discerned. Separate or joint ticket entry with the museum ship Pommern.

American Merchant Marine Museum
Kings Point, NY, United States
The American Merchant Marine Museum preserves displays and interprets historic artifacts and artwork related to the United States Merchant Marine Academy, the U.S. Merchant Marine, and the profession of seafaring.

Antique Boat Museum
Clayton, NY, United States
Houses a large number of small craft, motorized, sail, oar, and paddle.

Arabia Steamboat Museum, The
Kansas City, MO, United States
Arabia was a riverboat sunk by a submerged tree snag just outside of Kansas City. The 150 passengers Made it off the boat safely, but 200 tons of cargo were lost. These artifacts are now on display.

Foxtrot-class diesel-electric attack submarine of the Soviet Navy. Now part of the Maritime Museum of San Diego.

, United States
The oldest steam-powered tugboat in the United States. Built in 1906. Part of the Baltimore Museum of Industry.

Baltimore Museum of Industry
Baltimore, MD, United States
Permanent exhibits include the Baltimore, built in 1906, the oldest steam-powered tugboat in the United States.

Bayshore Center at Bivalve
Port Norris, NJ, United States
Environmental history museum and the home port of the 1928 Schooner AJ Meerwald.