
This model was scratch built from photos taken of an un-named vessel in 2014 in Qaqortoq, Greenland. It is a Norwegian-built trawler converted for use in taking minke whales.

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18th Century Longboat

This boat was commonly used to transport people of “importance” on the Thames so that they could avoid using the crowded and dirty city streets of London.

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Intrepid / Mastico

This is a model of the first USS Intrepid. It was a Tripolitan vessel (the Mastico) taken during the Barbary Wars by Stephen Decatur and used in a raid to destroy the captured US frigate Philadelphia in the harbor of Tripoli. Previously it had been used as a bomb vessel […]

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Half Moon

Halve Maen (Half Moon) was a Dutch East India Company ship that sailed into what is now New York in 1609. She was attempting to find a western passage to China.

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An 1851 clipper ship which has been called William H. Webb’s masterpiece. She is known for her record-breaking race to San Francisco with the clipper Flying Fish.

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Eagle, USS (brig)

A ship in the United States Navy on Lake Champlain in the War of 1812. The British captured her in 1813, only to lose her back to the Americans at the Battle of Lake Champlain in 1814.

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