Bill Altice

My interest in modeling goes back to my seventh birthday. An uncle, a model builder, gave me a stick model airplane. Armed with my modeling tool chest consisting of a dull, single edge razor blade and a tube of Duco cement, I launched my career which has lasted from 1947 to date (you do the math…it scares me). Over time, I have done several restorations, built models for private collectors, the ARMY, NAVY, and the State Department. I have changed my interest in ship modeling from wind and wood to steel and steam. All the while knowing that one day I may come across a little Brig that has to be built and will cause me to revert back to wind and wood. My present project is a 1/4″=1′ scale model of the R.J. BOWMAN, a C&O railroad tug, which I started in 1992 and hopefully will finish in 2018. This project has been very interesting. It has involved research, wood work carving, electro-forming, photo etching, and the machining of plastic, brass and stainless steel. When finished I think the model will be a good one.