Ulrich Guenther

Almost 60 years ago, I carved my first crude models of Columbus’ ships from balsa wood, matchsticks and paper, approximately 2 inches in size. Paper and plastic models followed, then life happened, and I lost interest in building models. Years later, in 1989, I completed my first “real” wooden ship model: “Essex” 1799, 5/64 scale. Ever since, I was hooked. After moving to the Tidewater area, I joined the HRSMS in 1994 which helped me in no small way to become a better modeler. Members Bill Altice, Henry Schekulin and others are to blame for this. I am a slow builder; it took up to four years and more to complete some of my models. Looking at the stash of kits I have accumulated over the years, it will take another lifetime to build those. Ship modeling has inspired me to research the history, design and development of ship building over the centuries and has taught me patience and attention to detail, especially scale authenticity. My interests besides ship modeling are fishing, reading, traveling, history, and of course, foosball. I am retired and happy to have a rewarding hobby/obsession to keep me busy and out of trouble, my wife says. For the future, I see my-self doing more scratch building and learning how to do intricate carvings, so I can one day build an awesome model. My thanks to all members who gave me help, advice and support to make me grow and learn as a modeler.