Food de Lyon
A bit of light needling at the expense of Bill Clarke. Some jokesters are trying to prompt Bill to finally complete a model.
ID Model Contest
A set of World War II identification models dating from 1943 were brought to the meeting for a surprise contest. They were loaned by a member’s coworker, to whom they were given by a grandfather. We have made a monthly game of sleuthing over the Logbook mystery photo, for which people have ample time and resources to prepare an answer, so this pop quiz provided a different challenge.
The models are of British warships of various types, with a couple of French cruisers thrown in for good measure.
Three points were awarded for correctly identifying the ship class, and an additional point was given for each member of the class named. If a ship gave its name to the class, no extra point was awarded for that vessel.
If the bottom of the model stated it was a particular ship, it was taking for granted that there was an identifying feature that made it unique and points were not awarded for sister ships. Look carefully to see if you can spot any subtle clues.
Unfortunately only one of our top-two ship-detectives made it to the meeting, so there was not much of a contest. Congratulations to Bill Clarke for burying the field (47 points). With no advanced warning of the contest, he did a tremendous job. It’s too bad Dave Baker wasn’t there to give him a run for his money. John Cheevers was a distant runner-up with 17 points, and Tim Wood gets the very sincere last-but-not-least award for his 4 points. Tim was the only other person to venture a guess, so he’s still one up on the rest of the club.
L Class
Ships in class: Laforey, Lance, Larne, Legion, Lightning, Lively, Lookout, Loyal
Bill Clarke
Class: J,K,L or M class
Ships: Kelly, Jackal, Milne, Khartoon, Kingston
Points: 0
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: Daring
Ships: Daring
Points: 0
Since Bill didn’t need any help pulling away from the field, he was awarded zero points for his shot-gun approach. Note that he correctly identified only two out of the dozens of Hunt-class vessels. Bill, what were you thinking?
Fiji Class
Ships in class: Bermuda, Ceylon, Fiji, Gambia, Jamaica, Kenya, Mauritius, Newfoundland, Nigeria, Trinidad, Uganda, +2 unnamed
Bill Clarke
Class: Town
Ships: Southampton, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool
Points: 0
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: Swiftshire
Ships: Swiftshire
Points: 0
Black Swan Class (modified)
Ships in class: Actaeon, Alacrity, Amethyst, Cauvery, Chanticleer, Crane, Cygnet, Hart, Hind, Kistna, Kite, Lapwing, Lark, Magpie, Mermaid, Modeste, Nereide, Nonsuch, Nymphe, Opossum, Partridge, Peacock, Pheasant, Redpole, Snipe, Sparrow, Starling, Waterhen (ii), Whimbrel, Wild Goose, Woodcock, Woodpecker, Wren (ii), Wryneck (ii).
For information only, ships of the non-modified class include: Black Swan, Erne, Flamingo, Ibis
Bill Clarke
Class: Flower
Ships: Chrysanthemum, Daffodil, Azalea, Petunia
Points: 0
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
Tribal Class
Ships in class: (Br) Afridi, Ashanti, Bedouin, Cossack, Eskimo, Gurkha, Maori, Mashona, Mohawk, Nubian, Punjabi, Sikh, Somali, Tartar, Zulu
(Aus) Arunta, Bataan, Waramunga, +4 unnamed
(Ca) Athabaskan (i), Cayuga, Haida, Huron, Iroquois, Micmac, Nookta, Athabaskan (ii)
Bill Clarke
Class: Tribal
Ships: Cossak, Zulu, Maori, Beduoin
Points: 7
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
Leander Class
Ships in class: Achilles, Ajax, Leander, Neptune, Orion
Bill Clarke
Class: Achilles
Ships: Achilles, Ajax
Points: 2
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: Ajax
Ships: Ajax
Points: 1
Malaya (of Queen Elizabeth Class)
Bill Clarke
Class: —
Ships: Malaya, Barham
Points: 0
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: Royal Oak
Ships: Royal Oak
Points: 0
No points were awarded to Bill for naming both Malaya and Barham. As described in the introductory notes, it was assumed there was something unique about the vessel if it was named as an individual ship rather than as a class. A cursory review of the ship’s history on Wikipedia appears to back this up. The class dates from WWI and many alterations followed, not all ships receiving the same modifications. Wikipedia notes significant changes to superstructure and armament that presumably made it visually unique.
La Galissonniere Class
Ships in Class: Georges Leygues, Gloire, Jean de Vienne, La Galissonniere, Marseillaise, Montcalm
Bill Clarke
Class: La Galissonniere
Ships: Galissonniere, Gloire, Montcalm
Points: 5
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: Leipzig
Ships: Leipzig
Points: 0
Town Class
(bottom of model was labeled Belfast Class)
Ships in Class: Birmingham, Glasgow, Newcastle, Sheffield, Southampton, Gloucester, Liverpool, Manchester, Belfast, Edinburgh
Bill Clarke
Class: Edinburgh
Ships: Edinburgh, Belfast
Points: 2
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: Sheffield
Ships: Sheffield
Points: 1
London Class
(bottom of model was labeled Devonshire class)
Ships in Class: Devonshire, London, Shropshire, Sussex
Bill Clarke
Class: County
Ships: Kent, Norfolk, Dorsetshire, Devonshire, Cornwall
Points: 1
Tim Wood
Class: Suffolk
Ships: Suffolk, Norfolk
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
The London class is a subset of the County class. The label read Devonshire class. As HMS Devonshire is a member of the London sub-class, London class was assumed to be the correct answer at the time the contest was held. Bill was awarded one point for naming Devonshire as a ship of the London class.
Years after the contest, it was noticed that this model only has two funnels, and the London class were all built with 3. Only HMS London was later converted from 3 funnels to 2.
The middle funnel of the County class is larger than the other two, but all three are of equal height. The two funnels of the modified HMS London have the same cross section, but the forward one is higher. Yet the aft funnel of this model is larger than the forward one and they appear to have the same height. It appears the aft funnel of the model was simply removed. Also, this model does not reflect the significant changes in superstructure that HMS London underwent at the same time her funnels were reconfigured.
Was the model damaged, the aft funnel snapped off? To save time and resources, did someone (presumably during the war) intentionally cut off the aft-most funnel of the ID model (or alter the mold) to approximate HMS London? The model is no longer available for inspection to see if the funnel was obviously damaged and the photo does not have enough resolution to make a determination.
If the model was noticeably damaged, then full points should have been awarded for any answer related to the County class, the differences between Kent, London, and Norfolk sub-classes being too superficial to distinguish at this scale. If intentionally modified, the difference in funnel count is more prominent than the changes in superstructure and funnel shape/size that are NOT reflected, so the label should have read HMS London, not (erroneously) Devonshire class or London class.
Émile Bertin
Ships in Class: Émile Bertin
Bill Clarke
Class: Émile Bertin
Ships: Émile Bertin
Points: 3
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
Hunt Class
Ships in Class: (Type I) Athertone, Berkeley, Cattistock, Cleveland, Cotswold, Cottesmore, Eglinton, Exmoor, Fernie, Garth, Hambledon, Halderness, Mendip, Meynell, Pytchley, Quantock, Quorn, Southdown, Tynedale, Whaddon
(Type II) Avon Vale, Badsworth, Beaufort, Bedale, Bicester, Blackmore, Blankney, Blencathra, Bramham, Brocklesby, (Burton?) Calpe, Chiddingfold, Cowdray, Croome, Dulverton, Eridge, Farndale, Grove, Heythorp, Hursley, Hurworth, Lamerton, Laudersdale, Ledbury, Liddesdale, Middleton, Oakley, Puckeridge, Silverton, Southwold, Tetcott, Tickham, Wheatland, Wilton, Zetland
(Type III) Airedale, Albrighton, Aldenham, Belvoir, Blean, Bleasdale< Bolebroke, Border, Catterick, Derwent, Easton, Eggesford, Ecksdale, Glaisdale, Goathland, Haldon, Haydon, Hatherleigh, Haydon, Holcombe, Limbourne, Melbreak, Modbury, Penylan, Rockwood, Stevenstone, Talybont, Tantaside, Wensleydale
(Type IV) Brecon, Brissenden
Bill Clarke
Class: Hunt
Ships: Brissenden, Avon Vale
Points: 5
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
River Class
Ships in Class: (RN-I) Ballinderry, Bann, Chelmer, Dart, Derg, Ettrick, Exe, Itchen, Jed, Kale, Ness, Nith, Ribble (i), Rother, Spey, Strule, Swale, Tay, Test, Teviot, Trent, Tweed, Waveney, Wear
(RN-II) Adur, Aire, Annan (i), Annan (ii), Avon, Awe, Barle, Braid, Cam, Cuckmere, Deveron, Dovey, Evenlode, Fal, Findhorn, Frome, Halladale, Helford, Helmsdale, Inver, Lagan, Lochy, Lossie, Meon, Monnow, Mourne, Moyola, Nadder, Nene, Odzani, Parret, Plym, Ribble (ii), Shiel, Taff, Tavy, Tess, Teme, Torridge, Tawny, Usk, Windruxh, Wye
(RAN-I) Barcoo, Barwan, Burdekin, Diamantina, Gascoyne, Hawkesbury, Lachlon, Macquarrie
(RAN-II) Balmain, Bogom, Campaspe, Condamine, Culgoa, Murchison, Murrumbidgee, Naomi, Nepean, Shoalhaven, Warburton, Williamstown, Wimmera, Wollondilly
(RCN) Alexandria, Alvington, Antigonish, Beacon Hill, Buckingham, Cap de la Modeleine, Cape Breton, Capilano, Carlplace, Charlottetown (ii), Chebogue, Coaticook, Dunver, Eastview, Fort Erie (i), Fort Erie (ii), Foster, Glace Bay (ii), Grou, Hallowell, Hardrock, Henryville, Inch Arran, Joliette, Jon-Quière, Kirkland Lake, Kokanee, La Hulloise, Lasalle, Lanark, Lauzon (ii), Le Havre, Levis (ii), Linganbar, Longueuil, Magog, Matane (ii), Megantic (ii), Merrittonia (ii), Montreal, New Glasgow, New Waterford, Northumberland, Orkney, Outremont, Penetang, Pesaquid, Plessiville, Port Colborne, Poundmaker, Prestonian, Prince Rupert, Ranney Falls, Rouyn (ii), Royal Mount (ii), Runnymede, St Agathe, St. Catherines, St Edouard, St. John, St. Pierre, St. Romauld, St. Stephan, St Thérèse, Sea Cliff (ii), Shipton, Springhill, Stettler, Stone Town, Stormont (ii), Strathadam, Sussexvale (i), Sussexvale (ii), Swansea, Thetford Mines, Tisdale, Toronto, Valdorian (ii), Valleyfield, Victoriaville, Waskesiu, Wentworth, Westbury, Westville, Wulastock, + 29 unnamed
Bill Clarke
Class: Captain
Ships: Starling
Points: 0
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
Nelson Class
Ships in Class: Nelson, Rodney
Bill Clarke
Class: Nelson
Ships: Nelson, Rodney
Points: 4
Tim Wood
Class: Nelson
Ships: Nelson, Rodney
Points: 4
John Cheevers
Class: Rodney
Ships: Rodney, Nelson
Points: 2
Queen Elizabeth Class
Ships in Class: Queen Elizabeth, Barham, Malaya, Valiant, Warspite
Bill Clarke
Class: Queen Elizabeth
Ships: Queen Elizabeth, Warspite
Points: 4
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: Queen Elizabeth
Ships: Queen Elizabeth
Points: 3
Royal Sovereign Class
Ships in Class: Ramillies, Resolution, Revenge, Royal Oak, Royal Sovereign
Bill Clarke
Class: R-class
Ships: Ramillies, Resolution, Revenge, Royal Oak
Points: 7
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: Barham
Ships: Barham
Points: 0
Bill score was increased from 4 to 7 when in 2024 the coordinator of the contest learned that the Royal Sovereign class (as the model was labeled) was actually the Revenge class, which was also referred to as the Royal Sovereign class and R class.
Warspite (of Queen Elizabeth Class)
Bill Clarke
Class: Queen Elizabeth
Ships: Queen Elizabeth, Warspite
Points: 0
Tim Wood
Class: Royal Oak
Ships: Royal Oak
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: Warspite
Ships: Warspite
Points: 3
No points were awarded to Bill for naming both Queen Elizabeth and Warspite. As described in the introductory notes, it was assumed there was something unique about the vessel if it was named as an individual ship rather than as a class. Wikipedia notes significant alterations that made Warspite and Malaya similar, and subsequent changes to Malaya that must have made them each unique. Malaya is another specifically-named model in this contest.
Hawkins Class
Ships in class: Hawkins, Raleigh, Frobisher, Effingham
Bill Clarke
Class: Frobisher
Ships: Frobisher, Hawkins, Vindictive
Points: 2
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: Hawkins
Ships: Hawkins, Raleigh
Points: 4
The model was labled Hawkins class, but the coordinator incorrectly changed it to Cavendish for the contest, believing this was the lead ship. When this error was noticed in 2024, John’s score was raised from 2 to 4.
Dido Class
Ships in class: Argonaut, Bonaventure, Charybdis, Cleopatra, Dido, Euryalus, Hermione, Naiad, Phoebe, Scylla, Sirius, Black Prince, Bellona, Diodem, Royalist, Spartan
Bill Clarke
Class: Dido
Ships: Dido, Spartan, Diadem
Points: 5
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: Dido
Ships: Dido
Points: 3
Scylla (of Dido Class)
Ships in class: Scylla, Charybdis
Bill Clarke
Class: Arethusa
Ships: Neptune, Galatca, Penelope, Arethusa
Points: 0
Tim Wood
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
Avenger Class
(model was labeled Biter class)
Ships in class: Archer, Avenger, Biter, Charger, Dasher
Bill Clarke
Class: —
Ships: Niarana, Queen, Ruler
Points: 0
Tim Wood
Class: Argus
Ships: Argus
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
Attacker Class
Ships in class: Attacker,Battler,Chaser,Fencer,Hunter,Pursuer,Ravanger,Searcher,Stalker,Striker,Tracker
Bill Clarke
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0
Tim Wood
Class: Ark Royal
Ships: —
Points: 0
John Cheevers
Class: —
Ships: —
Points: 0