Club Business

Show and Tell

There is no separate recording for Show & Tell this month. Go to the time stamps indicated below using the video found in the Business section.
- Stewart Winn’s Greenlandic whaleboat 7:05
- Sean Maloon’s HMS Pearl 32:34
- John Wyld’s un-started kit, USS Missouri by Joy Yard 24:14
- Mike Pelland’s Chesapeake Bay skipjack 26:20
- Mort Stoll’s restoration of his father-in-law’s Swift 28:40
- Doug Morgan’s Roger B. Taney and Benjamin Latham 29:50

Part 2 of a 2-part presentation on Gene Berger’s 1:48 scale model of Kendall C. Campbell (not to be confused with his 1:96 scale model of the same vessel).