Club Business

First, I note that right after Gene points out I am not in attendance the audio becomes garbled and then there is a bunch of laughter. I wonder what he said…..
This is the first meeting where we used our new microphone. The results were mixed. The audio was much better in a test we’d done prior to the meeting. That test was in the same room, but only included 1 person online and 2 locally. Distance from the microphone is always of primary concern, but the quality varied greatly with the speaker standing directly in front of it. It’s possible that with more people in the room background chatter affect results, or having more online participants affected the audio. Someone that was there added it is also possible the wrong microphone was selected in the Zoom settings. We’ll try again. Feedback is welcome. For this month, we apologize for the audio quality.
Show and Tell

Show & Tell begins at 24:35 in the video above
- Patrick Derby’s Chesapeake Bay Skipjack (24:35)
- Joseph Ficklen’s gunboat Philadelphia (26:25)
- Bruce Brown’s America (30:05)
- Bruce Brown, small tool set from Micro-Mark (31:45)
- Butch Watkin’s half model of Metunga (32.40)
- Hank Ghittino’s Willie L. Bennett (40:05)
- Gene Berger’s Kendall C. Campbell DE-443 (45:20)

John Cheevers presents “Creating a Compelling Impression”
The presentation begins at 1:20:30 in the video above.