Club Business

Show and Tell

- Joshua Fichmann’s 3D-printed PBR (patrol boat riverine) (4:40)
- Joshua Fichmann’s Mogami (8:00)
- Tom Ruggiero’s Titanic (11:50)
- Joe Lorenzo’s Florida sharpie schooner (23:50)
- Ron Lewis’ skipjack (23:30)
- Sean Maloon’s Syren (30:10)
- Hank Ghittino’s skipjack Willie L. Bennett (32:15)
- Butch Watkins’ R/V Virginia (33:15)
- Gene Berger’s USS Arizona, BB-39 (42:55)

Ron Lewis gave a presentation on the Vikings. Unfortunately, while those of us in the room saw each slide of the presentation, the recording remained static. It includes Ron’s narration, but as it loses much without the images, the recording is omitted here. Apologies to Ron, and we’ll endeavor to find the cause.