
Bismarck and her sister ship Tirpitz were the largest battleships ever built by Germany, and two of the largest built by any European power.

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Friedrich Wilhelm Zu Pferde

Friedrich Wilhelm Zu Pferde belonged to the Brandenburg fleet of the “der Große Kurfürst” (the Great Elector), Frederick William. She was completed in 1864. Of typical Dutch construction, she had two decks with 54 cannons and a crew of 200-250 men.

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Type XXI Submarine

High-endurance German submarine produced too late in the war to see significant service. 1500 were ordered, but only 118 were completed. Of those 118 only 4 were every ready for combat, and only two were ever sent on a patrol. None saw action.

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Lütjens (D 185)

Lütjens was a modified version of the American Charles F. Adams class, and built by an American shipyard.

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Stier was a German auxiliary cruiser of World War II. The name Stier means “bull”. She was the last German raider to break out into the Atlantic in World War II.

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L790 Barbe

The 520 Barbe-class utility landing craft are used for landing or transporting troops, supply, equipment and also for coastal mine laying.

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Schleswig-Holstein fired the first shots of World War II when she bombarded the Polish base at Danzig’s Westerplatte.

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S61 Albatros

In the late sixties the German Navy realized the necessity for a new fast attack craft to counter missile boats of the Russian navy. They were not used after the cold war, and the ships were decommissioned in 2004 and 2005.

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