Add Shop Note

The shop note will be saved in draft form for moderation and final formatting by the website administrator.

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Shop Note Type

Please contact the website administrator if a category is missing.

This is a hierarchical list.  Please select the most specific, applicable categories and all of their antecedents. This helps with searching by type, as the system does not imply antecedents in a search. For instance, if you select only “Plank-on-Frame” and someone searches for “Hull Construction”, hoping to find all tips on building hulls (regardless of type), then your shop note will not be listed. But if you select both “Plank-on-Frame” and “Hull Construction”, it will be included in searches for “Hull Construction” and/or “Plank-on-Frame”. 


Here you can include all the text and images you wish. The website administrator may alter the presentation using options not available in this form, particularly if it contributes to uniformity on the website.

Use the Add Media button to add images. Please include at least one image that would be suitable for use as the Featured Image, which is displayed when listing the shop notes, as seen here. It should reflect the overall subject of the shop note and have a 1:1 ratio. The webmaster can crop the image for you, as long as it is possible to do so while maintaining the intended subject area. Learn more about uploading images.


This text appears along with the featured images in listings. It should be brief, but you are not limited to a single sentence.

Submitted By

The value of this field is restricted to the logged in user. Add a note to the webmaster in the Content area if you are submitting on someone else’s behalf or there are multiple authors.