Add New Credit

Use the form below to add a new credit (e.g. author) for a reference item. Brief instructions follow the form.

Only use this form if you were submitting a new reference title and the required credit was not available.

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This is the combination of name and role, with the last name first, for the sake of alphabetized lists. Unless the role is “author”, it is included in parentheses at the end. This helps disambiguate in cases where the same person has credits in multiple roles across various references (e.g. author of one reference, editor of another, and provider of a foward for a third). For simplicity and brevity, the role of author is not included in parentheses, as most references only credit an author. Thus, the role of author is by far the largest percentage of credits that will be listed, and the role of author is to be assumed unless otherwise listed.

Use the form:
Last-Name, First-Name Middle-Name (Nickname) Suffix, Title, Post-Nominals (Role)
Doe, John Michael (Mike) Jr., Capt., R.N. <– role as author not included
Doe, John Michael (Mike) Jr., Capt., R.N. (editor)

Naturally, everything other than first and last name is optional.


Select the appropriate role. Contact the administrator if a new role is needed.

Display Name

This is the person’s name in the form:
Title First-Name Middle-Name (Nickname) Last-Name Suffix, Post-Nominals
Capt. John Michael (Mike) Doe Jr., R.N.

As the name of the field implies, this will be used when displaying the title.