Add New Club

Use the form below to submit a club for our listing. Brief instructions follow the form. The title and club type are mandatory.

The club will be saved in draft form for moderation and final formatting by the website administrator.

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Most fields are self explanatory. Those meriting further instruction are listed below.


List the name of the primary contact, if applicable.

Club Type

You may select multiple fields. Examples: If the club is strictly for radio-controlled military combat, then select Radio Control, Combat, and Military. If for sailboat racing, then select Radio Control, Racing, and Sailboat. If the club is strictly for die-cast military ships, choose Static and Military. Contact the administrator if you think a new type would be helpful.

  • General – Use this if the club is not strictly for a particular type. Do not combine with other types, as this would not make sense – it cannot be both general and specific. This is the category for Hampton Roads Ship Model Society. We welcome static and radio control enthusiasts, even if the latter are much smaller in number at the current time. Our members also build both civilian and military vessels.
  • Military – Use this option if the club is strictly for military vessels
  • Radio Control – Use this option if the club is strictly for radio control
    • Combat – Add this subtype if the club is strictly for combat
    • Power – Add this subtype if the club is strictly for power boats. We do not differentiate between fuel and electric.
    • Racing – Add this subtype if the club is strictly for racing.
    • Sail – Add this subtype if the club is strictly for sailboats.
  • Static – Use this option if the club is strictly for static models, including dioramams.


Here you can include all the text and images you wish. The website administrator may alter the presentation using options not available in this form, particularly if it contributes to uniformity on the website.

You can use the Add Media button to submit a club logo and other images. Learn more about uploading images.


This text appears along with the featured images in some listings. It should be brief, but you are not limited to a single sentance.