Glossary of terms found on the Hampton Roads Ship Model Society’s website
- Acockbill
- Aft
- Apron
- Baggywrinkle
- Ballast
- Barc
- Bark
- Barkentine
- Barque
- Barquentine
- Beam
- Bélandre
- Bilander
- Billander
- Brig
- Brigantine
- Buttock
- Carvel
- Catboat
- Cat Rig
- chain-wales
- chain wales
- Channel
- Chine
- Clinker
- Clinker
- Cofferdam
- Counter
- Course
- Cutter
- Deckhouse
- Fair
- Felucca
- Forecastle
- Forepeak
- Full-rigged Ship
- Gaff
- Gallant
- Gangway
- Garrant
- Gudgeon
- Gunter
- Gunwale
- Hermaphrodite Brig
- Hope-in-Heaven
- Hopesail
- Ketch
- Land
- Lapstrake
- Lateen
- Lugger
- Lug Sail
- Mast
- Moonraker
- Moonsail
- Painter
- Pintle
- Polacca
- Polacre
- Rabbet
- Royal
- Royal Mast
- Schooner
- Schooner Bark
- Schooner Barque
- Sea Chest
- Settee
- ship rig
- ship-rig
- ship-rigged
- Skysail
- Sloop
- Sloop-of-War
- Snauw
- Snaw
- Snow
- Spritsail
- Stemson
- Stomach-piece
- Topgallant
- Topgallant Mast
- Topmast
- Topsail
- Wing Transom
- Xebec
- Yawl